Data Protection

Privacy & Cookies Notice

By interacting with this website, booking me for hair styling services and/or otherwise contacting me, you consent to the processing of your Personal Data as described in this Privacy Notice.


Personal Data – any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person.
Processing – any operation or set of operations which is performed on Personal Data or on sets of Personal Data.
Data subject – a natural person (a human being) whose Personal Data is being Processed.
We/us – Laura Mackenzie Hair Design together with a trusted third party processor.
I/me – Laura Mackenzie

Data Protection Principles

We promise to observe with the following data protection principles:

  • Our data processing activities have lawful grounds. We always consider your rights before processing Personal Data. We will provide you information regarding processing upon request.
  • Our processing activities fit the purpose for which Personal Data was gathered.
  • We only collect and process the minimal amount of Personal Data required for any purpose.
  • We will not store your Personal Data for longer than necessary.
  • We will do our best to ensure the accuracy of Personal Data we hold on you.
  • We will do our best to ensure the integrity and confidentiality of the Personal Data we hold on you.
Your Rights

You (the Data subject) have the following rights:

1. Right to be informed meaning you have the right to know about the collection and use of your Personal Data; what data is collected, for what purpose, by whom it is Processed and how long it will be retained. If the Personal Data has not been supplied by you then you have the right to know where it was obtained from.
2. Right of access meaning you have the right to request and obtain a copy of the Personal Data and supplementary information collected about you.
 3. Right to rectification meaning you have the right to request rectification of your Personal Data should it be inaccurate or incomplete.
 4. Right to erasure meaning in certain circumstances you can request for your Personal Data to be erased from our records, also known as ‘the right to be forgotten’.
 5. Right to restrict processing meaning you have the right to request the restriction or suppression of your Personal Data processing; this is not an absolute right and only applies in certain circumstances.
 6. Right to data portability meaning you can request your Personal Data in a machine-readable format or, if it is feasible, as a direct transfer from one data processor to another.
 7. Right to object meaning you can object to the processing of your Personal Data for uses such as direct marketing, and we must immediately stop unless we can demonstrate legitimate or legal grounds not to
 8. Right to withdraw consent meaning you have the right to withdraw any given consent for the processing of your Personal Data
 9. Right to lodge a complaint meaning that in the event that we refuse any request under your Right of access and you are dissatisfied with the way your request has been handled, or if you consider that the processing of your Personal Data infringes the GDPR, you have the right to lodge a complaint with a data protection supervisory authority. In the UK that is the Information Commissioners Office (ICO)


Exercising Your Rights / Who to Contact

If at any time you would like to know what personally identifiable data has been collected about you, to make any changes to any inaccurate data we hold, withdraw your consent to its use, ask us to delete your personal data, or exercise any other right under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), please just let us know:

Contact Laura Mackenzie
Call or Text 07796 691193

Supervisory Authority

If you are dissatisfied with our response to a request to exercise your Rights under the GDPR, you can lodge a complaint with the Supervisory Authority, in the UK this is:

The Information Commissioner’s Office
Water Lane, Wycliffe House
Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 5AF
Tel: 01625 545 745

Personal Data I collect

Information you provide me with

  1. Should you choose to contact me by email, via our contact form or by telephone I will collect Personal Data that will include but may not be limited to your name, email address and telephone number, your wedding or other event date and venue
  2. Should you contract me to style your hair and/or the hair of your wedding party members, I may collect additional information about you and your wedding party members.
  3. I accept payment by Bank Transfer only; at no time do I have access to (so do not collect or process) any personal financial information such as a credit or debit card number.

Information automatically collected about you
Like most websites, we use cookies to automatically collect statistical data when you visit my website. That data will include your IP address, your operating system, your browser ID and your browsing activity. Of the information collected only your IP address could potentially relate to you as an individual. We collect this information through the use of Google Analytics to provide us with an understanding of the visits made to our website. We do not make use of this information in any other way.

For further details please see our Information about cookies.

Other Personal Data I may collect about you
Photographs are considered to be Personal Data. I may be supplied or collect photographs of you on your wedding day, either on my own iPhone, from your photographer (by email or from the photographer’s website or social media page), from another supplier attending your wedding, or from a publication that your wedding may feature in. It is possible that those photos will be re-produced on my own Facebook or Instagram page, or on my website, on the grounds that you either gave your explicit consent or they are already in the public domain. The same rights apply to photos as to other Personal Data (please see above) and you can contact me at any time to exercise those rights.

How I use your Personal Data

I use your Personal Data on legitimate grounds and/or with your consent in order to identify and to interact with you, and to fulfil an obligation under contract, for the following purposes:

  • to respond to an enquiry for hair styling services
  • to fulfil a booking for hair styling services
  • to communicate with you in relation to your booking

I will never sell, share or rent any part of your Personal Data with any third party unless (a) you specifically consent to or request it, for instance to arrange the services of an additional hairdresser or make-up artist for your wedding day, or (b) I am required to do so by law or where in good faith I believe such action is necessary to comply with a legal process.

Who has access to your Personal Data?

Laura Mackenzie has access to your Personal Data.

My website, email and eCommerce hosting provider, of necessity, processes Personal Data on my behalf and will have access to it. That company is a trusted third party processor, based in Dorset, and I am totally confident of the high level of privacy and security afforded to your Personal Data.

How we store & secure your data

We are committed to ensuring that your information is secure. We employ safe protocols for website browsing, encrypted communication and transfer of Personal Data (such as HTTPS and SSL/TLS). In order to prevent unauthorised access or disclosure, we have put in place suitable physical, electronic and managerial procedures to safeguard and secure the information we collect online.

  1. When you contact me via this website or via email, your Personal Data and message content is collected and stored in an encrypted format directly on a secure server for approximately one year. All routes and devices used to access such data are password-protected.
  2. When you contact me via this website or via email, I will store your data on my personal password-protected devices (iPhone, tablet & desktop) but only for as long as I need it; usually that will be (a) until your advise you will not be requiring my services or (b) until successful completion and full payment of a booking.
  3. Any invoices for bookings will be held on my password-protected desktop computer for a period of seven years, to meet standard business and tax requirements. Invoices will include only your name, the date of your wedding and the number of people that received hair styling services on the day.

Despite our best efforts we cannot absolutely guarantee the security of our systems or our server. We do however promise to notify yourself as the Data subject and the necessary authorities of any data breaches. We will also notify you if there is a threat to your rights or interests. We will do everything we reasonably can to prevent security breaches and to assist authorities should any breaches occur.


A cookie is a tiny text file stored on your computer. Cookies store information that is used to help make sites work; they can be used to store data on a ‘shopping cart’ for instance, and generally improve your interaction with frequently-visited sites. Only we can access the cookies created by our website.

We use Cookies for the following purposes:

  • Necessary cookies – these cookies are required to make the website usable by enabling basic functions such as page navigation and providing pop-ups for my availability calendar. These cookies don’t collect any personal information from you.
  • Statistics cookies – these cookies help us to understand how visitors interact with our website by collecting and reporting information anonymously.
  • Some cookies, such as Marketing cookies, are placed on websites by third party services such as Google Analytics.

Most web browsers allow some control of most cookies through the browser settings. To find out more about cookies, including how to see what cookies have been set, visit or

Find out how to manage cookies on popular browsers:

To find information relating to other browsers, visit the browser developer’s website.

To opt out of being tracked by Google Analytics across all websites, visit

Changes to this Privacy Notice

We reserve the right to make changes to this Privacy Notice from time to time.
It was last modified 28th May 2018.